New 2024 FAFSA. What do I need to know?
This year is filling up with sparkly new college admissions platforms. From the dSAT to this swanky 2024-2025 FAFSA form, there is a greater push towards digital and user-friendly designs. However, that doesn’t negate the complete whirlwind that applying for Federal Student Aid can be. While there are ample resources out there, we’ve boiled down a couple of the new FAFSA aspects that you should know.
Submission Deadlines
Federal: June 30, 2025
Specific schools and states: Check Here
There’s a new term that appears on this year’s FAFSA form! “Contributors” are individuals required to provide their information, consent, and signature on the FAFSA form. This generally includes you and your parents, though it depends a bit on your family dynamic. But don’t worry, as you go through the process online, there will be resources available to help you determine who exactly needs to be one of your contributors.
StudentAid.gov Accounts
Each contributor must have their own StudentAid.gov account to even access the FAFSA form. If you don’t have one yet, make one ASAP and get familiar with the platform.
Student Aid Index (SAI)
Along the way, you’ll see your SAI. The SAI is an index number that’s calculated based on the information that you and your contributors supply. It’s not an actual dollar amount, rather it will inform your potential aid offers. Don’t worry too much about what this number is, instead focus on supplying accurate information and taking deep breaths.
FAFSA Submission Summary
After you’ve submitted your form and the application has been processed, you’ll be able to access the FAFSA Submission Summary. The summary consolidates the information from your form, and provides an estimated eligible federal aid amount. It is not an aid offer. Aid offers will be provided by the schools you’ve listed on your FAFSA form. However, it’s handy to have in one place.
FAQ Videos
If you’re still super confused, the FAFSA redesign has really attempted to make the process more user-friendly. One way they’ve tried to do that is by supplying these YouTube videos for FAQs. There’s also helpful infographics throughout the process. You’ll be fine!
If you are having technical difficulties, you can always contact support.